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Learning Life Skills Through Bike Skills

Girls In Gear (“GIG”) was established in 2019 in Montclair, NJ, by Gabrielle Rossi as a local bicycling program for female riders. What started out with just eight riders in Montclair, grew to include more than 100 girls participating across the sate. GIG became an independent 501(c)(3) in April 2021. The following year, the Williamsburg chapter of GIG was established in spring of 2022. 

Girls in Gear is specifically designed for girls ages 6-16. Group sizes are kept small so riders can benefit from individualized training and feel confident learning new skills. Over the course of 8 weeks, participants learn safe cycling skills, bike care, build lasting friendships, and grow in confidence.

gearing up for williamsburg

When Loretta Troen, a Trail Ambassador and member of Bicycle Co-op of Williamsburg, first learned about the program from a friend she was immediately hooked. She couldn’t wait to bring the first Girls in Gear chapter to Williamsburg, VA.

“I started the Williamsburg branch in Spring of 2022 as things started opening after Covid.  Until then, there were a number of chapters/locations in New Jersey.  The first session here was in Spring 2022 and that was really hard because life was just starting to open up after the worst of the Pandemic.  It was very difficult to find people to speak to about the program because the schools were trying to reopen, everything was different for the schools and counselors, teachers and children were stretched to the max.  I copied flyers and put them up in breweries, libraries, Panera, everywhere I thought riders and parents might see them.  I recruited Linda Schumann who is a wonderful coach and who I will always be grateful for. We had a very tight space at the rear of a parking lot at Lois Hornsby Middle School. The school is used for a lot of sports and parking is a premium.  Linda and I worked with the curriculum, we would ride with our two program participants on the Freedom Park Trail and wound up having fun.  This Fall season we had five coaches and fourteen girls and it was a blast. Alishia Pretlow who is a coach and now our Regional Director found a perfect spot for our sessions at D.J. Montague Elementary School. James City County Parks and Recreation helped us with making the space ours.”

bicycling = life skills

“A friend who is a gravel rider/mechanic from Leesburg had the idea that GIG was something that I would enjoy so she forwarded me an email recruiting coaches and explaining the program. At that point, I was realizing that the schools were opening again and that children had been at a big disadvantage socially and emotionally during Covid.  I also felt that social media and being isolated had been giving kids what I considered a bizarre idea of what life, values and relationships are.  Exercising is associated with improved body image for girls which to me was a way to combat some of that message.  Even before Covid I was noticing how children were less active, had lives that were more frenetic and competitive because of the proliferation of organized sports and that kids don’t have a lot of opportunities to develop friendships.”

“The GIG program is all inclusive and non-competitive which is important to me.  In addition to teaching riding skills we have age appropriate curriculums with subjects such as comfort zones and strong healthy communication. Being someone who stays healthy mentally and physically through friendships and biking working with Girls In Gear made sense to me. Biking and the friends I have made through that have made my life more interesting, more meaningful and filled with happy adventures.”

developing new skills & confidence

“I love seeing the girls gain confidence, develop new skills and form friendships as they become part of a team.  As coaches we saw tremendous personal growth in a short time. One of the best moments was when a Mother came to me and said that she was so happy because her daughter had found something that she could excel at.  Actually, it is a comment that I have heard more than once.”

future plans

Girls in Gear is working closely with the Bicycle Co-op of Williamsburg, including the Co-ops lead mechanic Travis Will, and James City County Parks and Recreation to offer basic bike maintenance and bicycle repair classes that could include a ride on the Capital Trail. There are also plans to start a Yoga/Stretch class for cyclists and to increase interest in the Junior Ambassador program.

Alishia Pretlow, the new Regional Director for Girls In Gear, established the Girls In Gear Mile Marker and Cleanup Program. Alishia is planning on expanding the program to the Williamsburg Middle Schools and is heading up the Girls In Gear’s expansion to Richmond. Other opportunities include the Capital Color Ride on June 10th and a partnership with James City County Parks and Recreation for a special Lightning Bug Ride.

volunteer opportunities

One of the biggest challenges that Girls in Gear Williamsburg faces is recruiting coaches. If you are interested in learning how you can help, please contact Alishia Pretlow at or 757-768-1928.

Additional information can be found at:
The online signup for coaches and participants is

Scholarships are available for the program and a bicycle and helmet will be provided as needed.