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Yesterday's Activity

Troop 45 Treks the Capital Trail: Combining Hiking Adventures and Community Service

Troop 45, a Boy Scout troop based on Fort Eustis with a history spanning over 75 years, has embarked on an outdoor journey to earn the Hiking Merit Badge, an essential step towards the Eagle Scout rank. With six dedicated Scouts leading the charge, they have set out to complete a vigorous journey that includes four 10-mile hikes and a rigorous 20-mile hike along the Capital Trail. The Trail not only provided the perfect backdrop for their adventure but also awarded them an opportunity to continue their efforts towards completing scouting’s Historic Trails Award. Combining their adventure with environmental stewardship, Troop 45 is not only working towards their personal goals but also contributing to their community by organizing trash pickups along the way. Hear from our adventurers themselves as they explain their motivation and why they chose the Virginia Capital Trail.

What Motivated the Troop to Earn their Hiking Merit Badge?

The Hiking Merit Badge is one of the merit badges required for Eagle Scout, the highest rank a Scout can achieve in Scouting. The merit badge requirements for Eagle Scout require the Scout to earn a total of 21 merit badges, 14 of which must come from the "eagle required" list. 

The other reason is while working on the hiking merit badge, we are working on the BSA Historic Trails Award. This award requires a project to help restore or mark the trail, hence our trash pick up during each hike.

What made you decide to hike the Cap Trail?

We were looking for a trail that was close to Fort Eustis and that was long enough we could hike 20 miles in one direction. Our first 10 mile hike was out 5 and 5 back to Jamestown. The second was 8 out from Jamestown past Chickahominy park and then 2 back to Chickahominy park. For the third 10 mile hike, we will start at Chickahominy park and go out ten miles. We plan to hit all of the Virginia Capital Trail between Jamestown and Richmond by the time we are done with the four 10-mile hikes and the last 20 mile hike...

What was your favorite or most unique experience during your hike?

We have new scouts who have never done long hikes before. In fact, on our very first ten mile hike, for one scout, this was his first campout, and first hike ever, and he did 10 miles. He did Awesome!

Were there any tips or lessons learned? 

The only restrooms were the coffee shop (Spoke & Art) at mile 2.5 and Chickahominy Riverfront Park.... so plan accordingly.  

What's next for Troop 45?

Our third 10 mile hike is on 20 April. We are also getting ready for our week long Summer Camp at Camp Shenandoah the last week of June.

Troop 45's upcoming trek on April 20th just so happens to coincide with our Spring Cleanup. You can bet they'll be out there knocking out miles and litter with every step.

Thank you for letting us share your Cap Trail adventure and for helping to keep our trail and communities litter-free! Keep rocking, Troop 45! Best of luck with your Hiking Merit Badge!